Tim Anderson Knife Seminar

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, 5/10/25 - 5/11/25

Times: Sat. 1-5PM, Sun. 11AM-6PM

Cost: $60 per day or $100 for both days

Ages: 18+

Signup: Click here for a One-Day Pass or Full Weekend Pass

Please Note: (One-day Pass is good for either day)

Please join us for the weekend!

The Tomahawk and Bowie Knife (also known as big knife) are two of the most iconic weapons of the American Frontier. Outdoors people of all kinds carried them for hundreds of years. Come find out why! These indispensable survival tools are just as practical for hunting and self defense today as they were in the 17th century. You will learn practical techniques for using the Tomahawk and Bowie Knife alone as well as together.


These are invaluable skills for all HEMA systems regardless of weapon choice, especially valuable for high pressure contact. Plus it’s super fun!!

Days and Times: 

Saturday: 1PM to 5PM

Sunday: 11AM to 1PM (1HR break for lunch)

        2PM to 6PM

Meet the Instructor

Tim Anderson is the founder of Infinity Blade Concepts. Guro Anderson began edged weapons training in 1994 in JKD Concepts at Lynx Academy under Frank Cucci and Patrick Trey of Seal Team Six. He has also trained with Tom Sotis in the family system AMOK! Tim also trained Muay Thai and Savate with Frank Cucci. Later he continued his JKD training under Mike Krivka, another full instructor under Dan Inosanto.

Tim taught the Navy Master at Arms at Patuxent Naval Air Station in Close Quarter Combatives as well as Knife & Tomahawk from 2000 to 2002. On Sept 13th, 2001 he was sworn in to the Naval Reserves as a Master at Arms Second Class and taught Close Quarter Combatives and Edged Weapons at Dahlgren Naval Base.

With over 26 years of edged weapons training and 37 years in martial arts Tim has developed a very practical system and teaching method. Also he’s fun to train with!

Reviews of the Clinic:

As an instructor for over 20 years, I am impressed by Tim’s depth of knowledge in knife and tomahawk. I have also watched his interactions with his students many times. He communicates clearly in a personable style, but what he teaches is no-nonsense, practical and very real. Tim’s love of teaching and his years of experience in his system are immediately obvious. There are few people I would trust my students with, and Tim is certainly at the top of the list. I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to recommend taking one of Tim’s seminars to anyone with an interest in knife fighting.

-Jim Liebich

Owner, En Garde Fencing

Board Game Night

Date:  3/8

Time: 6-11PM

Ages: 18+

Location: En Garde Fencing

Cost: Free to EGF Members

Welcome to the Board Game Night! Prepare yourself for an evening of fun with games new and old. It’s a great way to meet up, socialize and play games for hours with friends. 

This is an event that is meant for adults only. We will have food and you are encouraged to bring your own drinks, snacks and board games as you see fit. It’s nice to find an excuse to get together and have a good time, even if we aren’t trying to stab each other with swords. 

We hope you can join us!

EGF Fun Night!

Date: 4/26

Time: 5-9PM

Cost: $40

Ages: 7-17

Location: 917 Piner Rd., Ste. D, En Garde Fencing

Signup: <HERE>

Are you ready for our next EGF Fun Night?!

The EGF Fun Night is a pizza party, movie, nerf battle and more. Of course, it’s also a night off for the parents! We’ll build forts, watch movies, play fun games and battle the night away. As always, friends and family of our students are welcome to attend and participate. The more, the merrier!

Please use the link above or feel free to talk with Jim if you would like to sign up for this special event. We’re really looking forward to it and we hope you can make it!

Foam Weapon Builder Workshop

Date: First Tuesday of each month, starting 4/1

Time: 6-8PM

Cost: $40, plus materials cost

Ages: 7+

Location: 917 Piner Rd., Ste. D, En Garde Fencing

Signup: <HERE>

Our first Foam Weapon Builder Workshop was so popular, it’s obvious we need to do this more often! So, starting in April we’ll have one every month on the first Tuesday of the month. Each month will have a theme, and in April the theme will be Longswords!

At EGF, we love our Family HEMA class. With our armory of foam weapons, we build our skills, train together and play tons of fun games. 

The Foam Weapon Builder Workshop is for everyone who wants to learn how to imagine, build and maintain the weapons we use on a weekly basis. We will learn about the materials used to build the weapons and shields, discuss designs and how to assemble them, and see where weapons fail and how to maintain them. 

This is meant to be an event that parents can attend as well, which is why the cost is listed as $40 per family. At the end of the event, everyone who wants to should be able to build something to take home, or be well on the way to making their very own weapon or shield. The only other cost will be for the materials used to create your very own item. 

We look forward to seeing all our weaponsmiths attend in April!

Spring Break Fencing, Foam Sword and Archery Adventure Camp!

Dates: 3/17 - 3/21

Times: Fencing: 9AM - 12PM, Foam Sword and Archery: 1-4PM

Cost: $200 for morning or afternoon sessions, $400 for both

Ages: 7-12

Location: 917 Piner Rd., Ste. D, En Garde Fencing

Signup: <HERE>

Sign up for our upcoming camps!

For hundreds of years, fencing has captured the imagination of generation after generation of young people. Who hasn’t imagined themselves with a sword in hand, fending off hordes of enemies with a quick and daring blade?

Fencing teaches kids about honor and the value of seeking challenges while they develop coordination, balance, grace, and athletic ability. In our camps, even as they play games and exercise, kids grow in strength and skill, which yields confidence, determination, and self-discipline. At EGF, we believe that mental and physical development through carefully guided training is key to creating a healthy and balanced life.

At Fencing Adventure Camp, students learn the rules of the sport and the amazing history of fencing and play games that help develop skills learned during footwork and drills. Camps are designed with the beginning fencer in mind, so no prior experience is necessary to fully enjoy them. Fencers ages 7-12 years old are welcome to attend. Equipment is provided free of charge. Bring a bag lunch and dress in tennis shoes and shorts or sweats.

At our Foam Sword and Archery Camp, kids train with both foam replicas of swords and shields from the Medieval period, as well as learn the ancient art of archery. Teaching the skills of the knights and warriors of old trains both the body and the mind, which is so vital to the growth of strong young people. Our Sword and Archery camps keep kids active and playing, which is the best way to learn about enjoying a fit and healthy lifestyle. Our expert instructors teach the skills of the bow and the sword with games and skill-building exercises. We want to make our camps an experience that your kids will fondly remember for years to come and an activity that is more convenient to your work schedule, so feel free to contact us for more information.

Questions about our upcoming events? Call us at (707) 596-3626 today.

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